Concerning The Times
Concerning the Times is a podcast that addresses the unsettling global events unfolding today and examines them in light of Jesus' soon return and how they will affect you. If you're curious about Jesus and what the future holds, this podcast offers insight into how these turbulent times align with end-time Bible prophecy. We discuss the urgent need for truth in a confusing world. For Christians, we discuss growing spiritual deception and apathy and encourage you to live boldly. For seekers, we invite you to explore the hope and salvation found only in Jesus. Each episode challenges listeners to consider the bigger picture and offers hope amid the growing darkness, encouraging all to find the truth through a relationship with the One who promises peace and redemption.
Tune in now and discover how these times are the greatest opportunity to find lasting hope in light of Jesus' soon return. Don’t wait—join us on this journey of faith, truth, and hope. Subscribe now and be part of the conversation!
Concerning The Times
How Would We Live Differently If We Knew It Was Tomorrow?
This podcast isn’t meant to make sensational predictions but to take Jesus’ repeated warnings seriously and consider how we would transform the way we live if we knew He was going to return tomorrow.
Show notes:
* This message was preached at Wheeler Men's Mission in Indy, so thank you for dealing with the background noise.
Link to our article, Is End-Time Bible Prophecy Relevant? Part 1
Link to: Is End-Time Bible Prophecy Relevant? Part 2
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Every blessing in Jesus.
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